Your DNA... DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC(184) ACID(170 is a key to your ascension & get ready for the big announcement! And thank you from Me for subscribing to the Tom Numbers substack newsletter!
Tom I watched you and an old Gene Decode I don't tell people because I have suffered of being weird since I was 6 years old .I have been asking God to reveal to me about so many things. Now I am 72 and now I got my wish. I am so happy to finally get my wish. Maybe I will able to talk whenever you can. I am retired and I have so much more understanding which I visioned when I was young and what my future will tell me. Much love and light Marilyn Simpson. 🥰🤩🤣🙃🫠
Tom I watched you and an old Gene Decode I don't tell people because I have suffered of being weird since I was 6 years old .I have been asking God to reveal to me about so many things. Now I am 72 and now I got my wish. I am so happy to finally get my wish. Maybe I will able to talk whenever you can. I am retired and I have so much more understanding which I visioned when I was young and what my future will tell me. Much love and light Marilyn Simpson. 🥰🤩🤣🙃🫠
I can't ever get the correct time you are on but I find you every day Tom. I'm OK. One of these days I will learn the cards.😄
Bless you Marilyn ThQ 😃🕊️
For what it’s worth, brother, as you were concerned with pronunciation, and as I’m a bit of a ‘Grammar Nazi’ (🙄😂), phonetically it’s
‘Dee oxy ryebo’ nucleic acid. 🙏🏼🥰
I still haven't gotten your letter of information yet.
As recently bereaved I am thinking about resurrection.We thought we would walk together into the new world but that is not to be.